Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Hulu,

Who knew how great you would be? I sure didn't. In fact, when I first heard about you, I thought that Todd was speaking baby talk, and that you really couldn't be as fabulous as he claimed you were (not to mention the fact that I couldn't find you because I thought you were spelled wholoo). I am so happy to say that he was right.

As the years have gone by, my love for you has grown directly proportionate to how many shows you've gained the rights to exhibit with short commercial breaks. I don't know what my need for an addiction would be placed on without your endless tracks of television.

Thank you for telling me what shows I would like based on what I watch. Thank you for putting the most popular shows on your front page. But most of all, thank you for adding ABC shows to your ranks (don't worry, we'll get The CW one of these days...).

I don't know how (except the fact that I go to your page more than once a day), but you've made me who I am. You have changed my world forever, and I never want to go back to those long ago days when I had to watch a show when it was first aired (or more recently when it was blurry because I was watching them on a Chinese website). Oh bless you Hulu, because now I don't have to be subject to air! Now I am subject only to nets.

Hulu, you are the reason that Al invented the internet. You are its crowning achievement.

Thank you Hulu, thank you.


Colton said...

I had to click on all of those links to see what you could possibly be wanting us to visit all over.

I don't quite understand how you're not mutinying about the possible subscriptions.

Elspeth said...

Yeah, I actually didn't hear about that until after I wrote this, and also, they're not doing it yet so I don't have anything to complain about. But if they do then I'll put a rampage note on here.