The battle for the wide world has been set in motion.
The moment to choose sides has arrived.
There will be only one survivor.
The question that remains is: are you an Apple or a Google?
Personally, I'm torn. I feel a deep loyalty to Google because of a longstanding agreement on our collective awesomeness, yet Apple brought the sexy back into the geek world, a feat that I am acutely grateful for. The gauntlet (to my memory) was thrown when the Android phones started outselling iPhones and now Google is about to surpass its coolness with the integration of TV. But a secret part of me wants to embrace the hipster lifestyle and be too cool for open software platforms. How am I to choose between boss-hood and a judgement seat?
It seems inevitable that one of these companies will try to take over the world, I just don't know which I want to have Brain on their side...
You can stay a fence sitter, like me. This isn't the gospel that we are talking about. Or a relationship. One isn't going to get mad that you are still canoodling with the other. Just play both of those ho's until it becomes obvious which one puts out more.
I don't find myself saying this often in regards to your blog, but: I completely agree with Colton!!! Haha
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