Monday, July 6, 2009

Book of Possibilities

I just watched "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah, which I loved! It is really one of her best films, and it made me feel so good inside! Anyway, this movie is all about living your life fully every day, and in it Q.Lat. has a book of possibilities in which she has made cut outs or stored brochures, or even pictures about things she wants to do with her life. I love that idea, but I love more the fact that Sasha has made her own book because of this movie. So I decided that, at least for this post but maybe more in the future, I'm going to describe the possibilities I want to happen in my life. Starting with a few of the places I'm dying to travel to:

Palace of Versailles, France

Palace of Knossos, Crete

Notre Dame, Paris

Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece

Castier Castle, Britain

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

As you can tell, they mostly have to do with buildings. I love architecture. I don't want to have to design anything myself, but I love the amazing structures that people have built over time. Don't get me wrong, I love most of the other forms of art too, but there is something so majestic and magical about walking into a great building that is either beautiful just by its construction or the ornate decorations which someone has imagined and put on display for everyone to walk through. I think what I love most about seeing architectural things in person is the fact that you never really can get an accurate picture of the thing in your head before you experience it live. I mean, with paintings it is pretty much what it looks like in the print, but with a building it's either grander or smaller or just a different dimension than you thought, so it still has the ability to surprise and amaze you. I want to see so many buildings, I hope someday I can!


Colton said...

I knew Sasha had to be involved somehow.

It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen. I do like the idea of the book...kind of like a bucket list.

Bethany said...

I will be going to those places with you! Okay?! Okay!

The Jamie-Meister said...

You like art?? But I thought you listened to hip-hop. Something isn't adding up here.

Miss Piton said...

I love where your mind's at. Notre Dame is definitely something to see in person. You'll love it. I'm gonna add some more legit stuff to a Temple Marriae..LOL