Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fanny Pack Packers

I knew that fanny packs were humorous, but I did not realize just how hilarious (high-larious as my Dad would say) they were until I did a google image search. I thought I'd brighten your day with the best ones I found, enjoy:


Meg said...

These pictures are just so disturbing. well, except for Chuck Norris, that one is just fitting. The others....sketchy and still disturbing after last night!

Colton said...

I was only very disturbed by the third one. Goo. Please tell me he was wearing something under that. Although his date's clothes aren't much better.

Unknown said...

What on earth inspired a google search of fanny packs?

Elspeth said...

First off info, who are you? Secondly who wouldn't want to look at fanny packs?

Miss Piton said...

Abso-Freaking-lutely love this. We're gonna be too legit to quite. Only for money!!!

Holly said...

haha info strikes again!! Fanny packs are so useful though I wish they weren't so unstylish.