Sunday, November 22, 2009

So, It's Been A While...

I know I haven't updated in a bit, but I honestly haven't been doing much lately except trying to survive a viral attack of the enemy flu. No, it wasn't the swine variety, but I swear that nothing could be worse than what I had. I was out for over a week without relief. Seriously, I have never been so ill in my life. I couldn't even do the cool stuff you get to do when your sick, like watch your shows or read your books because I felt so awful that I didn't want to taint whatever I did with the feeling of grossness. So, I had to settle for crappy shows, which may have just made me feel worse. Anyway, I'm almost fully recovered now (except I still get pretty winded coming up the stairs) and my witty self will be back in your virtual lives once again very soon!


Bethany said...

You are witty, I am glad you are starting to feel better...I have a sinus not what you have! So yay for that but sinus infections make me wanna die!!

Colton said...

That is funny that you didn't want to watch your favorite shows because you need to be in top shape to love them properly.

Glad you're back. My second second life has been boring of late.

AshleeB said...

FINALLY! do you know how bored Ive been waiting for you to update? Theres nothing like checking a blog and they havent updated yet!

I guess I need to get a life right? haha

Holly said...

Elspeth quit being sick so you you'll hang out with us! Although you probably wouldnt anyway haha. You're too busy being a master at bejeweled blitz