Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crazy = Watching the Same Movie and Expecting Different Results

I am currently watching Holiday Inn with my family, as we do every year, Emma makes us. I don't know if you have seen this movie, but you've probably seen the more famous (but less good, in my opinion) remake of this movie: White Christmas. Anyway, as we were watching it there is a scene in the movie where Bing Crosby says something that leads Fred Astaire, the antagonist, to formulate the diabolical plot to take Crosby's girl away and right at the moment when he was saying it, I was thinking: don't say that, it'll make your life worse... But, of course, he said it and the rest of the movie progressed. I have seen this movie at least 50 times in my life, and that's on the very safe side, and yet I still thought that the plot would change...

Why do we re-watch movies and shows over and over again? I think it has something to do with wanting to experience the feelings we had while watching it the first time, and, as I learned in one of my psychology classes somewhere, seeing something happen produces the same chemical reactions/feelings as actually doing it. Which is probably why I like to live my life vicariously through Hollywood produced love scenes. But that's possibly not the same as the real thing... Anyway, back to movies: when I was in Jr. High I would watch Newsies over and over, literally finish it, rewind it (remember VHS's?), and then watch it again. I love that movie. I've done that to almost every movie that I love and I've never been able to figure out why. Alas, I still don't know the reason that I keep watching movies even though I know exactly what's going to happen, but I do know that it brings me joy every time, and men are that they might have joy, so I'll continue to do it and love it, for the rest of my life.


Unknown said...

Girlfriend. I totally get it ;) I watch my favorites over and over and still wish to skip all the bad/sad parts and just get straight to the happy ending or whatever ya know? So I totally know!

Colton said...

You are completely irrational.

Just kidding, everyone does this, unless they are uninteresting elitists.

I have never seen Newsies. I know...will you still be my friend?

Although, I once decided that I wouldn't read another Calvin and Hobbes comic for at least 15 years (I have all of the books and then I have the collector's complete set, so I own them all twice). I figured that, if I went long enough without reading them that I forgot them, then it would be like I was reading them for the first time. The reason I am trying this is because after reading them about ten times, I no longer laughed riotously. I obviously still thought that they were funny, but I knew what was coming, so I just smiled, or even just smiled on the inside, and continued. I want my guts to hurt from laughing again.

DCFresh said...

I have watched Newsies SO many times! It is probably unhealthy, in 8th grade it was pretty much the only movie my friends & I would watch. Rewatching movies for me brings back memories of all the other times I have watched them and the people I have enjoyed them with, it's all part of the reason why I watch movies over & over again : )

AshleeB said...

This Post made me crack up! "Which is probably why I like to live my life vicariously through Hollywood produced love scenes" <- True.